Del Soulcondor Presents 'Super Dymamite Soul' (SSCD-001)

Back in 2006 Del Soulcondor put together a album of various beats and a couple of vocal tracks he had produced and did a small run of 50 copies for friends... fast forward to 2021, following the success of his Soulcondor Slices releases Del felt that more people would be interested in his wee album.
This is a really, really good collection of beats that demonstrate Del's passion for music - the title track with Hosie, Phill Most and Mr Fantastic is amazing and needs to be heard!
Before Del sadly passed away he ordered 250 copies of this CD for us to sell (this is only available here), 100% of the profits will go towards the final Soulcondor Slices release (dropping in early 2022) and Del's family.
Shouts to Hosie, Phill Most, Mr Fantastic, Krashslaughta, K9 Kev & Chad for their contributions, Greg Blackman for the artwork and Rola for the mastering.
RIP Soulcondor
**CD shipping In November 2021**